Sunday, April 7, 2013

Meet Lexi and Moxi, bobcat sisters that were found in Starr County, Texas.  They were found by the landowner, and I am still unclear exactly what happened to the mother.  A Game Warden called me up and made me aware of the situation, and my husband was sweet enough to drive 5 hours to meet the landowner.  When he got there, there were three cubs, one of which had already sadly passed away.  It was determined the babies were born within that week, as they were tiny, wobbly, and were just starting to get teeth.  Their eyes were open, but very blue and unable to focus on much.  Needless to say, they did not offer much resistance to being picked up.

The babies were brought home, and my husband and I decided to raise them using the divide and conquer method.  The babies need to eat every 3 hours, plus we decided it would be better for them to bond to us  so they would be very friendly. We each chose a baby to bring with us to work.  My husband took the bigger baby, that seemed to be the quieter of the two.  Of course, I got the very loud runt of the litter! The bigger baby, later named Lexi, started taking fluids by the first evening.  The runt, whom I named Moxi, held out for almost two days.  I started to prepare myself that there was a very good chance she would not make it.  Luckily she finally figured out that the bottle had some pretty good stuff in it!

It has now been 5 days since bringing Lexi and Moxi into our lives, and so far so good! Both babies are eating fairly consistently now.  Lexi has gone from 1 lb 4 oz. to 1 lb. 9 oz., and Moxi has gone from 1 lb 1 oz to 1 lb. 5 oz.  They have gone from little wobbly things to starting to explore their surroundings.  It is amazing to see how quickly they are changing! They are in the very beginning of starting to play together and with us, and they are little purr bags when with us! They have definitely learned who their new mom and dad are!

I figured that creating a blog for the sisters would be a fun way to keep up with the changes we see as they grow older.  Without further ado, here are some pictures from the first days!

Both the girls:

 Miss Lexi:

Finally, sleepy Miss Moxi:

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