Sunday, April 14, 2013

4/14/13 - We are up and walking...and growing!

I'm happy to report that both little girls are doing great! They are still drinking milk every 3 hours or so, and they are growing.  As of today, Moxi is weighing in at 1 pound 14 ounces, and Lexi is now 2 pounds 1 ounce.  They are about two and a half weeks old at this point, and they are starting to get around fairly well.  They are more stable on their legs and only fall over every so often now. :)  They are starting to play fight with each other, which really consists more of one trying to sit on or bite the other and then falling over.

Yep, tough kitties!

My house cats are becoming more accepting of the babies, although I think they can still tell there is something a little different about them.  They are very interested but still keeping their distance for the most part.  Tex, my Siamese, is the braver of the two, and he has been "helping" me feed the babies. I guess he knows they are otherwise occupied, so that is when he comes to sniff and check them out.

Brave, brave Tex!

Lexi is our little cuddle bug.  She immediately purrs when picked up, and she loves to snuggle up and fall asleep in our arms.  She would rather be held than explore right now.  If we set her down, she follows us around and lets us know she would prefer that we love on her. In fact, this is her present position while writing this post...

Hey! No flashes, please!

Moxi is still a sweet girl, but she is a bit more reserved than Lexi.  She purrs when you pick her up, as well, but she is much more into exploring than getting extra cuddles at the moment.  She is very big on just sitting and observing, too. I often catch her just watching what I'm doing, such as this:

Now for more pictures!

It's a tough life helping Mom at work.

Lexi is ready to eat!

Lexi up close. Don't worry, nails have been trimmed!

Moxi needs a little more cuddling to eat well.

See you next time! (Moxi left, Lexi right)


  1. They are beautiful! How blessed you are to help them!

  2. Love this! Great job. Whats the future plan for them? Are they safe to keep domestic? Super cute

    1. Thank you! I have had the question about what the future hold quite often, so I plan on having a post for this soon. As far as being safe to keep as domestic, it really depends on the personality of each individual bobcat and how they are raised. I've heard it both ways to where some stay tame, others turn fairly wild. They do have very high nutrition demands and require a lot of attention, so I would not recommend that anyone try to keep one just because they think they are cute. It definitely takes work! Also, laws can prohibit having these guys, depending on the state, city, county, etc.

  3. Great job..keep up the good work u guys..God Bless!

  4. They are beautiful. . Were. In Texas are you?
    Great job...!

    1. I'd prefer not to say just where we are, due to this being available to all the public. We are in Texas, though! :)

  5. Thank you for taking such good care of these girls. I foster domestic kittens, so it's exciting to watch "wild" one grow up the same way. What will happen to these girls when they grow up?

    1. I have had this question quite a bit, so I plan on having a future blog post to cover this!

  6. A bobcat was the only pet I ever wanted, that dad was not able to get for me. I had fawns, ducks, a goose, a bunny, a racoon kit, turtles. At the coal mine where I work there is a bobcat that we see often. He/she is very smart. Instead of walking across the road to get to the other side, he crosses under the road through the culvert. He once came within 12 feet of our guardhouse and we went outside to see him. He was unconcerned with us and walked on by. Just this past saturday, the coyote was walking along the fence row, looking for mice. There was a grackle that had a busted wing that followed me into the guardhouse looking for bugs one afternoon. He wasn't afraid. The next day he brought 3 friends, all with busted wings, for lunch. I love watching the wild animals around the guardhouse. I will definately be following your blog.

    1. That's wonderful you are able to see so much wildlife around you! I appreciate that you are keeping up with the blog, too!

      I don't mean to criticize in any way, but I do feel obligated to inform all readers to please be aware that there are many regulations in place regarding the keeping of wild animals. I don't want anyone to get the idea that it is ok to collect just any animal out of the wild without a permit, or in some cases, at all. City and county regulations may prohibit the keeping of certain wild animals, too, even if the state does not.

  7. Wow this is so beautiful to see. They are blessed to have you for a surrogate indeed.

  8. This is amazing to watch! I would love to be feeding one of these girls right now! What will you do with them as they grow up?

    1. Thank you! There will be a blog post before too long regarding the future of the girls. I keep getting that question, so I figure I will answer for everyone at once!
