Sunday, May 19, 2013

Two and a Half Weeks Later...

We are sorry it has been a couple of weeks since the last post.  We totally blame Mom for it! She made some excuse about Dad being gone for a week and about working over time during the busiest time of the year.  Excuses, excuses!

Things have been going well for the last couple of weeks. Both of us are over 4 pounds now! The biggest change is that Moxi has graduated to eating raw meat mixed with milk.  Chicken and venison have been favorites thus far! Lexi has decided she really likes the bottle and spits out any attempts of Mom putting meat in her mouth.  All in good time!

We have also both become extremely active.  Nothing in the house is safe from us anymore! We figured out we are able to jump onto counters, tables, the bed...just about anywhere we put our minds to.  We even found all of Mom's makeup and jewelry on the bathroom counter.  Boy was that fun to make a mess of! For some reason the bathroom door has been staying closed these days, though. We've also made it a morning routine to jump in the bed and run all over Mom and Dad.  We are natural alarm clocks, well, as long as the rest of the family hasn't woken them up first!

We have both figured out how to play gently with everyone. We have learned that we can use soft paws when swiping at something rather than having our claws out.  Mom definitely appreciates that.  We still like to chew on things and are working at not biting too hard with our baby sharp teeth, and we are doing pretty well with that, too.  Tex and Lynx are another story though... we seem to take out all our good bites on them!

Mom and Dad moved furniture around for us this weekend, which we are really liking! They put both cat trees together in front of a window, and we love it! We are learning how to appreciate lazy afternoons in the sunshine.  Plus, it is lots of fun to watch the butterflies and birds out the window.  I think Mom likes that our rough play is now away from her shelves of breakables, too!

Now for the best part of the posts - new pictures!

 Sleeping together in Mom's office

Taking over the bed

Lynx teaching Moxi that eggs are pretty yummy

Ah, sister pillow


We are getting pretty big for sleeping on the office chair

How many kitties fit in the kitty tree?

Lexi sure likes the new spot in front of the window!

Now for the best pictures, from a professional photographer, Jennifer Brennan!

Lexi being an outside wildcat

Sunbathing on the windowsill

The girls (looking a bit grumpy for some reason!)


Tex is a good sport...

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